249: Il-Kobor tal-Umiltà ta' Prof. Oliver Friggieri & Swing Nuages: Vintage Gypsy Swing Jazz

249: Il-Kobor tal-Umiltà ta' Prof. Oliver Friggieri & Swing Nuages: Vintage Gypsy Swing Jazz in Malta, Arts/Culture Malta, 23.07.2021 - 23.07.2021


249: Il-Kobor tal-Umiltà ta' Prof. Oliver Friggieri by Gabriel Lia

3 numri. 4 ħitan. Uffiċċju wieħed. Ix-xogħol teatrali '249' idaħħalna fl-uffiċċju tal-Prof. Oliver Friggieri, it-tieni dar tiegħu, hekk kif nesperjenzaw kollox mill-perspettiva ta' dawn l-erba' ħitan. Uffiċċju li dejjem bin-nies, l-iktar studenti, li dejjem kienu ġejjin u sejrin. Uffiċċju li kull min daħal fih dam ma ħareġ aktar milli stenna u ħadd qatt ma ħareġ b'idu f'idu. Uffiċċju li ra lill-Professur jaqdi l-irwol vokazzjonali tiegħu ta' għalliem li jippreparak għall-eżami tal-ħajja, l-irwol ta' ħabib li jisimgħek f'kull ċirkostanza u ta' missier li dejjem lest biex itik kelma siewja u ta' faraġ. Uffiċċju li fih Oliver serraħ tant imħuħ u qlub. ENG 249: The Humble Greatness of Prof. Oliver Friggieri by Gabriel Lia 3 numbers. 4 walls. One office. The theatrical performance ‘249’ brings us into the office of Prof. Oliver Friggieri, his second home, as we experience everything from the perspective of the four walls. It was an office always bustling with people, mostly students coming in and out. Every person who has entered the office has stayed longer than expected and never came out empty-handed. The office has seen the Professor serve his vocational role as a teacher to prepare students for the exam of life; it has seen him be a friend who listens in every circumstance and it has also witnessed the love of a father, always ready to comfort and be of solace. In this same office, Oliver has been a consolation to many hearts and souls.

Swing Nuages: Vintage Gypsy Swing Jazz by Diccon Cooper

Swing Nuages is a fun-loving swing and jazz manouche band, born from a season of jam sessions in summer 2014. Swing Nuages perform uptempo and retro music inspired by the style of Django Reinhardt, who popularised the 'hot' jazz genre in the 1930s. The band plays a repertoire of songs synonymous with Reinhardt, as well as other standard tunes adapted to the swinging style. In 2015 Swing Nuages was awarded 1st place in the Indi Unplugged Competition, and have since performed at the 2015, 2016 and 2017 editions of the Farson’s Great Beer Festival, the Marsovin Wine Festivals of 2017, 2018, and 2019, and the Bubble Festival in 2019. 


The APS Summer Festival is brought to you by APS Bank plc, supported by the University of Malta, Atlas Insurance PCC Limited and Kinnie.

Festival Instructions:
Festival Entrance is from University Old Gate, Msida Side.
Festival doors open at 19:00 daily. Festival Events start at 20:30 daily

This is a ticketed event: early bird batch at €10 via promo code apsfest | normal ticket rate at €15.

No Tickets will be sold at the door.

Vaccination certificate is required at the door. No entry to ticket holders without vaccination certificate. This is a socially distant, wheelchair accessible, seated event and masks should be worn at all times.

​Festival rating 16+

Purchase 249: Il-Kobor tal-Umiltà ta' Prof. Oliver Friggieri & Swing Nuages: Vintage Gypsy Swing Jazz Tickets Online

Event Details

Event Type:



University Quadrangle
University of Malta, Msida

Start Date:

23 July 2021

End Date:

23 July 2021


Sarah Zammit Munro




University Quadrangle


University of Malta


249: Il-Kobor tal-Umiltà ta' Prof. Oliver Friggieri & Swing Nuages: Vintage Gypsy Swing Jazz
University Quadrangle, Msida - Arts/Culture