Djun u brodu - Kuncert tnedija Split LP

Djun u brodu - Kuncert tnedija Split LP in Malta, Music Malta, 10.12.2022 - 10.12.2022


Dan hu l-kunċert tat-tnedija tal- ”iSplit LP Kometi /Bambinella”.
Djun se jdoqqu siltiet minn “Kometi” + iktar kanzunetti. Brodu se jdoqqu siltiet minn “bambinella” + kanzunetti oħra.
Se jkun kunċert sabiħ ħafna (nittamaw) għax is-sala Sir Temi Zammit hi sala sabiħa ħafna, l-akkwata tal-universita’ kollha siġar u sabiħ anke biex tieħu “drink” qabel u wara. Se jkollna sound tajjeb ħafna (f’idejn Sergio Costa), u dawl sabiħ (Andrew Schembri).
Min hu dilettant tal-muzika fuq vinyl se jkun jista’ jixtri l-”iSplit LP” bi prezz irħas minn dal-kunċert.
Se jkun hemm bar armat; ġibu tazza magħkom mid-dar.

This is the launch concert for the split LP “Kometi/Bambinella”.
Djun will be playing songs from “Kometi” + other songs. Brodu will be playing songs from “Bambinella” and other songs.
It will be a very nice concert (we hope) since Sir Temi Zammit hall is a very nice hall, and the university grounds are very pleasant, with trees, and one can have a drink there before and after the concert. Also we’ll have good sound (Sergio Costa) and nice lighting (Andrew Schembri).
The “Split LP” will be available for the first time and at a discounted price from the concert.
There will be a bar; get a reusable cup from home.

Purchase Djun u brodu - Kuncert tnedija Split LP Tickets Online

Event Details

Event Type:



Sir Temi Zammit Hall
University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq, Msida

Start Date:

10 December 2022

End Date:

10 December 2022





Sir Temi Zammit Hall


University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq



Djun u brodu - Kuncert tnedija Split LP
Sir Temi Zammit Hall, Msida - Music