Mons. Marco Frisina fil-Kunċert Apostolo delle Genti

Mons. Marco Frisina fil-Kunċert Apostolo delle Genti in Malta, Theatre Malta,  3.11.2023 -  3.11.2023


Mons. Marco Frisina f’Malta għall-Kunċert 'Apostolo delle Genti' fil-Kon-Katidral fl-okkażjoni tal-150 anniversarju mit-twaqqif tas-Società Filarmonica Nazionale La Valette

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ Novembru fis-7.30pm, fil-Kon-Katidral ta’ San Ġwann fil-Belt Valletta, is-Società Fil. Naz. La Valette se tkun qed ittella’ kunċert uniku li l-mistieden ewlieni tiegħu se jkun ħadd ħlief il-kompożitur u surmast Taljan Mons. Marco Frisina. 

Dan il-kunċert qed issir fl-okkażjoni tal-ftuħ tal-150 anniversarju mit-twaqqif tal-istess soċjetà. It-tema ta’ dawn l-attivitajiet hi ‘150 sena ta’ Eċċellenza’.

Mons. Marco Frisina hu kompożitur Taljan li ħadem fuq numru kbir ta’ siltiet ta’ mużika rinomati u wkoll kien il-kompożitur ta’ numru kbir ta’ soundtracks ta’ films. 

Għal dan il-kunċert se jkunu qed jipparteċipaw ukoll is-sopran Rosabelle Bianchi u t-Tenur Charles Vincenti flimkien mal-kor Mirabitur u wkoll is-surmast tal-istess Soċjetà Mro. Dominic Darmanin. 



Mgr. Marco Frisina in Malta for the 'Apostolo delle Genti' Concert at the Co-Cathedral on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the founding of Società Filarmonica Nazionale La Valette

On Friday 3rd November at 7.30pm, at St John's Co-Cathedral in Valletta, Società Fil. Naz. La Valette will be staging a unique concert, the main guest of which will be none other than Italian composer and conductor Mgr. Marco Frisina. 

This concert is being held on the occasion of the opening of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the same society. The theme of these activities is '150 years of Excellence'.

Mgr. Marco Frisina is an Italian composer who worked on a large number of renowned pieces of music and was also the composer of a large number of film soundtracks. 

Soprano Rosabelle Bianchi and Tenor Charles Vincenti will also be participating in the concert, along with the Mirabitur choir and the Societa's conductor, Mro Dominic Darmanin. 

Purchase Mons. Marco Frisina fil-Kunċert Apostolo delle Genti Tickets Online

Event Details

Event Type:



Around Valetta

Start Date:

3 November 2023

End Date:

3 November 2023




Around Valetta


Mons. Marco Frisina fil-Kunċert Apostolo delle Genti
Around Valetta, - Theatre